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Elevator pitch
Google Care is a tablet iOS app design that was created to optimize communication between patient caregiving teams and health care professionals in order to accommodate evolving patient needs.
Teams: Data Science & UX design

Project Length: 1 week

ToolsFigma, Miro

The Story
How might we increase accessibility to healthcare through the use of educational and digital solutions? This is the design brief our team received at the Google x BrainStation Hackathon. We focused on the Alzheimer's epidemic in North America and the problems faced by caregivers of Alzheimer's patients.
Caregivers of Alzheimer's patients struggle to keep track of and communicate the evolving needs of their patient to their health care team.
Created a cloud based iOS app that allows caregiver team members and medical staff to easily communicate and track patient needs.
Due to the short timeframe for this project, we followed an agile design process.

Diving into data

Learning about users
We wanted to understand what challenges caregivers of Alzheimer's patients were actively facing, so our data science squad dove deep into the data to find information on our core user. They returned with a wealth of quantitative and qualitative data I translated into a proto-persona to align the design team.
Archetype: Exhausted Primary Caregiver
Mary Beth

Pain Points

It's hard to communicate need to know items with the rest of my mom's caregiver team and medical staff.
I don't know when it’s time for my mother to transition from at home care to a 24/7 care home
I'm struggling to find a way to meet both my mom’s personal and medical needs


I live with my mom to provide round the clock care by helping her with daily tasks
I collaborate with other caregivers and my mom's medical team to help meet her evolving needs over time
I keep track of all of my mom’s medical, financial, and behavioural information


My love and sense of duty to my mom
I want to keep my mom at home for as long as possible to ensure she’s getting high quality treatment

Ideation Station

Generating solutions
The design team came together and decided on a design intervention focused on streamlining communication between caregiver teams and their patient's physicians. We then began authoring user stories to hammer out what features our design would have.
We authored a list of user stories from Mary Beth's perspective and sorted them into four epics:​
tasks, tracking, connect, and delight.
Core features
We then translated our top user stories into design features that address our user's central pain points.
Pain Point: Challenging to communicate need to know items
  • Pain Reliever: Create a way for caregiver teams and healthcare staff to easily communicate
  • Feature: Patient dashboard that allows caregivers and health care staff members to share vital patient information
Pain Point: Unable to determine when to transition to 24/7 care facility
  • Pain Reliever: Help care givers and healthcare staff track and communicate evolving changes to the patient's condition
  • Feature: Incident tracker that records patient's symptom progression and updates caregiver and medial team members

Building the design

Constructing wireframes
We then began constructing our design and adding features. The gallery below shows the transformation our design took from the intial low fidelity sketches to our final high fidelity wireframes.


Adding the final touches
After creating the high fidelity wireframes, we began prototyping  and adding delight to our design through animations. The video below walks through our final prototype of this design.
Final design
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